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Salt Corner
Salt Alternatives
Common Salt Alternatives




What are Salt Alternatives?
Instead of using salt as a flavoring agent, why not use salt substitutes. You can use various salt alternatives to flavor your food, such as herbs and spices. You don't know what spice is good; why not just experiment with spices and herbs. I have attached some common spices and herbs you can use for cooking. There is a description of their flavoring profile, examples of what you can use it on, and a health benefit.
There is also a brand called Mrs. Dash, and it has 12 different flavors. In a hospital setting, they use Mrs.Dash as a salt alternative. There is also a local shop called Savory Spice Shop. There are 7 locations found all over Colorado. This shop has a variety of spices that are mixed with other herbs and spices. It provides you with the ingredients, and also, be aware that some may contain salt. It also gives you examples of how you can use the seasoning on the website. You can also find some in your local grocery store. Opening up to different flavors can help you decrease the amount of salt you use for your cooking.
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